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Sharing Life Transitions

One of the joys of real estate is meeting and getting to know amazing people. Our clients Anthony and Bethany Berg are amazing people.

The Bergs

I first met the Bergs via my being a Dave Ramsey Endorsed Local Provider (ELP) for real estate in Cherokee County, GA. The Bergs were ready to make a big life transition from a subdivision home to building a farm home and lifestyle on acreage.

They found a perfect piece of land for their dream, complete with mountain views and a creek and bought it in the spring of 2012. Then a little over a year later, we sold their current home and then a few months later we got a great deal on the land next door to them so they doubled their acreage for the farm.

After helping the Bergs with three real estate deals, I have come to know them even better, and I have so much respect for the way they live their lives by the Golden Rule + and the way they raise their children.

Anthony and Bethany also keep their relationship with each other special, despite being super busy raising five children and homeschooling, plus having baby six on the way. On their blog, they recently posted sweet love stories about each other, which are a great testament to being married to your best friend. You see, they have a really cool blog at which has great posts about everything that matters in life, including family, faith, education, gardening, health, and even some awesome recipes! They coined the term wholesteading from the concepts of whole living and homesteading.

Wholesteading is a lifestyle that strives for wholeness in a spiritual, physical, intellectual, and emotional way, as well as creating a homestead where activities take place to enrich whole living.

We enjoyed chatting about everything from technology like Evernote to square foot gardening to kitchen appliances during the time we worked together. They are very diverse and rich in their life experiences. It is always fun to learn from people who cross our paths in life and I learned a lot from the Bergs.

When people ask me what I do for a living, I like to say I enrich life transitions, not just that I sell real estate. It is a lot more than just a transaction to me. In this case, Anthony and Bethany enriched my life as well and I thank them for allowing me to be such a special part of this life transition for their family.

4 Responses to “Sharing Life Transitions”

  • Becky,
    Thanks for the kind words! I love your new site! Looks great and it’s super easy to navigate! We are still plugging along in the build process…hoping to break ground soon. We have the official building plans, site plan, and everyone has given their quotes so all that’s left is the HOA approval process, some permits, and signing on the dotted-line! You have definitely helped us “enrich life transitions” during this multi-year endeavor. Thanks again for everything! We are huge fans and will be sure to direct others to you any time they need help buying or selling real estate.

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