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Top 10 Home Inspection Tips

#1 – Get a professional Home Inspection done by someone well respected, highly rated, and experienced in the industry. Even new homes need an inspection – you would be shocked at what is wrong with some new homes. Check this article out for more on that topic:

#2 – Get Radon testing. Radon is the #1 cause of lung cancer in non-smokers and the #2 overall cause of lung cancer, second to smoking. Radon is reasonably easy to mitigate.

#3 – Get a wood destroying organisms inspection (also called a termite inspection) and protect your home with a retreat and repair bond. Georgia is #2 in the country for termites.

#4 – Ask your inspector about other recommended inspections specific to your property, such as mold testing if there are any signs of mold or concerns about mold.  Or a swimming pool inspection if the home has a pool. Or if the property is built pre-1978, consider testing for lead.

#5 – Get a survey of the property you are buying to learn about any encroachments, easements, and other potential issues, unless the seller provides a current survey.

#6 – If the property you are buying has a well, get the well inspected and the water tested.

#7 – If the home has a septic tank, have the septic tank inspected and serviced, including pumping. You should obtain the septic diagram from the local Department of Environmental Health to make sure the size septic tank is appropriate for the finished space in the home. If the property being purchased is raw land or a second home on the land is being considered, get a perk test to make sure a septic tank will work on the property.

#8 – Inspect the neighborhood and home’s history. Search for sexual predators in the area as well as for past methamphetamine clandestine drug activity in the home, which can leave toxic residue. You can also research a home’s history with the local county or city to be sure permits were obtained for applicable projects, like additions, finished basements, etc.

#9 – If the home has a Homeowner’s Association or is in a Condominium Association, get copies of the budget and financials to ensure the Association is being well managed with strong reserve funds for larger capital outlays in the future.

#10 – Get a CLUE report to learn about the most recent 5-year history of insurance claims on the property. Past insurance claims can impact your insurance rates, and you want to be sure any insurance claim payments resulted in the repairs actually being done to a home.

Path & Post provides more information on some of these important consumer protection topics at:

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