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Thank you anonymous giver

Thank you anonymous giver!

Our Path & Post team decided we want to give back to our community by picking up the tab for random people throughout our community this Holiday season. I have to admit I have felt like a little kid at Christmas each morning as I head out to treat someone to a meal or coffee! I always remain anonymous and never get to see the reaction of the person…I just hope it brightens their day.

Cheeseburger-Bobby_sToday I went by Cheeseburger Bobby’s after church to pick up lunch for my family. After I completed my order I handed my debit card to the cashier and she said “no need, an anonymous giver has picked up your tab!” I think the cashier actually had to tell me a couple times as I was so surprised!! I kept looking around the restaurant trying to figure out who this person could be as I wanted to thank them!! I even went and asked the cashier a second time if she could tell me.

The old saying goes “It feels so much better to give then receive.” It has felt fantastic giving to others this Holiday season but I have to say it was a wonderful feeling to have someone give to us! I do not know who the kind person was that bought lunch for my family today but I would like them to know each time I think about the kind act it brings a smile to my face!

Thank you so much for being a blessing. Your kindness is truly appreciated.

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