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Path & Post 2023 Year in Review

This may feel awkward, but hear me out. 

Being proud of your work is great, but this time of year can rub people wrong. It’s the time of year where real estate agents humble brag on social media about their sales last year. 

Here is the truth…

  • No one cares how many homes an agent or team sold. 
  • No one cares how many thousands of agents work at a national brokerage.
  • No one cares about seeing an agent’s photo on billboards, signs or business cards.

People care about what matters most to them…

  • Where people live and make memories matters.
  • Who people trust to strategically guide them in real estate matters. 
  • And having 5-star experiences matters. 

As we reflect on last year, the Path & Post team had another great year. What matters most is we love what we do, we love being local, and we love the relationships we build serving our clients. 

Our core mission is focused on enriching the lives of our clients. We do that by understanding the underlying life transition they are going through that is prompting their move so we can add value and achieve what matters most to each client.

For us, it is transitions OVER transactions. So you won’t see our faces plastered all over the place. Because it is not about us. 

If you want to know how many homes we sold and more importantly, how many 5-star reviews we got last year, google us or simply ask. We’re happy to share. 

If you are looking for a strategic guide, not just an average agent, let’s talk.

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Where you live and make memories is important. We have unique strategies to accomplish what matters most in your life transition.