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Canton is Faster than Woodstock

Canton’s average internet service provider (ISP) download speed is 33.93Mbps compared to Woodstock’s 27.57Mbps average download speed. Both city ISP speeds rank in the top 20% for the State of Georgia.


Canton’s download speed above 33 Mbps (megabits per second) places the city in the top ten for the entire state at #9. The tests and comparisons are produced by Ookla.

Top10 According to their website, Ookla is the global leader in broadband testing and web-based network diagnostic applications. The company’s software and methodologies set the broadband industry standards for accuracy, popularity, ease of use and the subsequent development of statistical data. Ookla solutions have been adopted by nearly every Internet Service Provider in the world, and have been translated into over 30 languages for use by thousands of small businesses, federal and state governments, universities and major organizations.

You can test your home’s internet speed by visiting In case you’re shopping for ISPs, Comcast is by far the fastest local internet provider often doubling the speed of the next closest competitor.

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